Where Should We Focus in 2017?

Where Should We Focus in 2017?

If you had told me just a couple of weeks ago that Minnesota’s State Legislature would have only just convened, and I’d be rushing to write you this emergency letter, I never would have believed it. By any measure, the victories Second Amendment supporters won here in...
The 2017 Legislative Session is Underway!

The 2017 Legislative Session is Underway!

Moments ago the gavel fell on the start of the 2017 legislative session at the Capitol in St Paul as Minnesota Gun Rights staff looked on. I have to admit, it was great not bumping into incumbent anti-gun legislators like former State Senator Rod Skoe, or former...
Minnesota Renaissance Festival Welcomes Criminals?

Minnesota Renaissance Festival Welcomes Criminals?

A few days ago MGR got a call from one of our members telling us that he attended the popular Minnesota Renaissance Festival in Shakopee and was shocked to see it had a “No Guns Allowed” sign at their entrance.  I’ve attended the festival several times in the...
Minnesota State Fair: “Criminals Welcome Here?”

Minnesota State Fair: “Criminals Welcome Here?”

My eyes scanned every which way I could as I gave the attendant at entrance 5 my ticket to get into the State Fair, but my eyes couldn’t spot it. You see, Tuesday afternoon as I was driving through St. Paul I decided to check out the State Fair entrances to see...
Minnesota State Fair: The Next Target for a Mass Shooting?

Minnesota State Fair: The Next Target for a Mass Shooting?

Antonio Washington waited until the Craft Brewers Guild exhibit at the Minnesota State Fair closed for the day. The Minnesota State Fair had already unveiled their brazen so-called “Gun Free Zone” signs declaring lawful gun owners illegal, so Washington knew this was...