Republicans File Massive Gun Control Bill!

Republicans File Massive Gun Control Bill!

We’ve got a lot of fights happening in St Paul right now but it’s important to know that next to banning our AR-15’s, nothing is higher on Joe Biden’s list of national gun control measures than ‘Universal Background Checks.’ We all know why. This...
NEW Gun Control in Minnesota!

NEW Gun Control in Minnesota!

I have another URGENT ALERT for gun owners in Minnesota! Please read the email below for all the details and TAKE ACTION to save our Second Amendment. I told you before about radical leftist Representative Cedrick Frazier introducing ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures Orders’ in...
Nuclear Gun Control Introduced in St Paul!

Nuclear Gun Control Introduced in St Paul!

This is an absolute emergency.  Senator John Marty (DFL-SD40) just introduced a gun control bill in the Minnesota Senate that will completely unmake our Second Amendment forever.  Gun owners are calling S.F. 1723 the “Nuclear Gun Control Bill” and the...
Republicans File Massive Gun Control Bill!

Assault Weapons Ban Filed!

I know we’re neck deep in our fight in St Paul, but Congressional Democrats have just unveiled a massive ‘Assault Weapons’ ban in Washington, D.C. — and MGR members need to weigh in! This legislation (S. 25/H.R. 698) is a tyrant’s dream come true: it makes it a...
The Plan to STOP Gun Control

The Plan to STOP Gun Control

There’s a lot of noise and chaos in St Paul right now. There always is at this time of year and it’s worse under DFL control.  The gun-grabbers are pushing gun control bills, hearings are happening regularly, and it’s easy to sit back and wonder...