VICTORY for Gun Owners!

VICTORY for Gun Owners!

WE WON! The legislature has gaveled out for 2024 and the members of Minnesota Gun Rights SLAMMED THE DOOR on nearly every piece of gun control this year! For all the details, please watch our video from the capitol! In the days ahead, we’re going to break down...
VICTORY Is Within Our Grasp! HELP!

VICTORY Is Within Our Grasp! HELP!

We are moments away from TOTAL VICTORY or CRUSHING DEFEAT and I need your immediate help to win. So far, because of YOU, Minnesota Gun Rights has successfully STOPPED the ‘Nuclear Gun Control bill’ AND the ‘AR-15 Ban’ but we’re not done! Here in the waning days of the...
SENATE: Gun Control Vote Happening 5/9!

SENATE: Gun Control Vote Happening 5/9!

I just got word from our sources in St Paul that tomorrow afternoon/evening the DFL majority in the Senate will be bringing H.F. 2609 to the Senate floor for a vote! More on that bill below.  But before you do anything else, please take a moment and send this NEW...
$2 BILLION for the ATF??

$2 BILLION for the ATF??

Joe Biden has just requested $2 billion in funding for the ATF! We say “HELL NO!” Because of their non-stop attacks on our 2A rights, the ONLY acceptable outcome for the ATF is for it to be ABOLISHED! That’s why we’re working closely with Matt Gaetz, lead...
They’re Trying to CRUSH Gun Owners!

They’re Trying to CRUSH Gun Owners!

The 2024 session of the Minnesota legislature is 2 weeks in St Paul and it’s an EMERGENCY, ALL HANDS ON DECK situation to save our Second Amendment! Despite passing Universal Background Checks AND Red Flag Gun Confiscations in 2023,Speaker of the House Melissa Hortman...
This Bill Will Make it a CRIME to Shoot in Groups!

This Bill Will Make it a CRIME to Shoot in Groups!

For decades the Left has screamed “GUN OWNERSHIP IS ONLY FOR MILITIAS, NOT INDIVIDUALS! ARE YOU IN A MILITIA?!?” Militias, by definition, require more than one person to be involved. Perhaps two. Or three. Maybe more? Maybe dozens or hundreds?  So, by the...