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The Latest News & Information from Minnesota Gun Rights

Forbidden: The Memorial Day History the Media Won't Tell You About!

Forbidden: The Memorial Day History the Media Won’t Tell You About!

As Americans pause today and remember United States service members who have died in combat theaters around the world over ... Read More
VICTORY for Gun Owners!

VICTORY for Gun Owners!

WE WON! The legislature has gaveled out for 2024 and the members of Minnesota Gun Rights SLAMMED THE DOOR on ... Read More
VICTORY Is Within Our Grasp! HELP!

VICTORY Is Within Our Grasp! HELP!

We are moments away from TOTAL VICTORY or CRUSHING DEFEAT and I need your immediate help to win. So far, ... Read More
SENATE: Gun Control Vote Happening 5/9!

SENATE: Gun Control Vote Happening 5/9!

I just got word from our sources in St Paul that tomorrow afternoon/evening the DFL majority in the Senate will ... Read More
UN Small Arms Treaty Meeting NEXT MONTH!

UN Small Arms Treaty Meeting NEXT MONTH!

In less than a month, the United Nations Small Arms working group will meet in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss the ... Read More
Kamala Harris Announces National ‘Red Flag’ Center!

Kamala Harris Announces National ‘Red Flag’ Center!

Kamala Harris and Attorney General Merrick Garland have announced the creation of a national ‘Red Flag Resource Center’ designed to ... Read More
$2 BILLION for the ATF??

$2 BILLION for the ATF??

Joe Biden has just requested $2 billion in funding for the ATF! We say “HELL NO!” Because of their non-stop ... Read More


Gun owners in Minnesota aren't just fighting against Democrats in St Paul who want to strip us of our Second ... Read More
They’re Trying to CRUSH Gun Owners!

They’re Trying to CRUSH Gun Owners!

The 2024 session of the Minnesota legislature is 2 weeks in St Paul and it’s an EMERGENCY, ALL HANDS ON ... Read More
This Bill Will Make it a CRIME to Shoot in Groups!

This Bill Will Make it a CRIME to Shoot in Groups!

For decades the Left has screamed "GUN OWNERSHIP IS ONLY FOR MILITIAS, NOT INDIVIDUALS! ARE YOU IN A MILITIA?!?" Militias, ... Read More
RED ALERT: Semi-Auto GUN BAN Introduced in St Paul!

RED ALERT: Semi-Auto GUN BAN Introduced in St Paul!

THE FIGHT IS HERE! A massive BAN on AR-15s and hundreds of other firearms has just been introduced in St ... Read More
SESSION BEGINS: Gun Control on the Docket!

SESSION BEGINS: Gun Control on the Docket!

The gavel fell on the start of the 2024 legislative session in St Paul and already the news headlines are ... Read More
MEGA Gun Control Bill Sent to Sub-Committee!

MEGA Gun Control Bill Sent to Sub-Committee!

The biggest gun control bill in America is moving in D.C. We emailed you in December about Senator Elizabeth Warren's ... Read More
Urgent: Bogus Legal Attack Could Shut Us Down Forever!

Urgent: Bogus Legal Attack Could Shut Us Down Forever!

If I would have told you, ten years ago, that by 2023 the sitting United States President would use the ... Read More
UN Small Arms Treaty -– URGENT!

UN Small Arms Treaty -– URGENT!

Just days ago, the United Nations wrapped up another meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, plotting to disarm the American people through ... Read More
Video Report: Shot Four Times, and He Just Walked Away!

Video Report: Shot Four Times, and He Just Walked Away!

Some people have difficult neighbors. But some people have neighbors who drag them into gunfights. In this video, we look ... Read More
Rich Men North of Richmond

Rich Men North of Richmond

We’ve all heard the song. It applies to too damn many of us. And in the video below we’re breaking ... Read More
We need your advice, ASAP!

We need your advice, ASAP!

Congress is on summer break right now, but they will be gaveling back in very soon. And that means we ... Read More
WATCH: Update on Abolishing the ATF!

WATCH: Update on Abolishing the ATF!

I wanted to make sure you heard the update about Congressman Matt Gaetz’ bill to ABOLISH THE ATF! Our team ... Read More
Can we talk?

Can we talk?

Today, Universal Background Checks becomes law in Minnesota. This will effectively outlaw private party sales for guns in Minnesota, requiring ... Read More

We're standing up for gun rights in 2023 — are you?