Minnesota State Fair: The Next Target for a Mass Shooting?

Antonio Washington waited until the Craft Brewers Guild exhibit at the Minnesota State Fair closed for the day.

The Minnesota State Fair had already unveiled their brazen so-called “Gun Free Zone” signs declaring lawful gun owners illegal, so Washington knew this was going to be easy.

As an employee counted the earnings on that hot August night last year, Washington quietly slipped behind him.

The thug pulled a gun, pointed it at the employee’s head and demanded the cash. As soon as he got what he wanted, Washington bound two employees to chairs with duct tape, taped their mouths shut and fled with over $100,000!

Unlike so many stories like these, this story has a happy ending. Antonio Washington was caught just weeks later.

But Chris, it could have been worse. Much worse — thanks to the “Gun Free Zone” policy, which leaves all fairgoers unable to defend themselves against criminal attack.

But the bad news is, unless you and I STOP the gun-grabbers’ all-out march to throw up so-called “Gun Free Zone” signs all over Minnesota, I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time until innocent citizens pay the price in blood.

That’s why I’m counting on you to sign and submit the petition below to Attorney General Lori Swanson and your State Legislators TODAY.

As you’ll see, this petition urge your elected officials to FIGHT “Gun Free Zones” across Minnesota — including at the Minnesota State Fair.

The truth is, there is nothing violent criminals HATE more than running into a potential “victim” who is carrying a gun.

After all, thieves, murderers and rapists all know attacking someone armed with a loaded firearm often results in early “retirement!”

But the anti-gun crowd doesn’t believe the answer to solving our crime problem is to ensure law-abiding citizens can defend themselves from assault.

They think the answer is to throw up even more so-called “Gun Free Zones” — or more appropriately named — Criminal Safety Zones!

And right now, the gun-grabbers are doing exactly that all across Minnesota.

But the Minnesota State Fair remains the gun-grabbers’ top “trophy.”

They believe if the hordes of Minnesotans who travel from all over our state to attend will accept a “gun free zone” at the State Fair, they likely will at home too!

This is sheer madness.

As you know, by definition, criminals don’t obey laws. So all “Gun Free Zones” do is ensure that violent thugs never have to worry about running across someone carrying a gun.

The politicians and bureaucrats have already taken care of that “problem.”

So is it any surprise that the areas killers most often pick to go on shooting sprees are Criminal Safety Zones?

Just consider Newtown, Columbine and Virginia Tech. Even the recent Charleston, SC and Chattanooga, TN shootings were both in “Gun Free Zones!”

But of course, the gun-grabbers will never place blame where it belongs — on the CRIMINALS and the anti-gunners’ misguided policies that prohibit good folks from fighting back.

Instead, the anti-gun crowd and their pals in the media blame law-abiding gun owners and try to use these tragedies as an excuse to push even more gun control!

No matter what the gun-grabbers say, we’ll never create a safe society by disarming the good guys.

But today, all over the country, it’s not just schools and universities that are off-limits to law-abiding gun owners.

It’s churches, most restaurants, parks and a number of other state and local government buildings, as well.

And now, the gun-grabbers have launched their own “Gun Free Zone” blitz right here in Minnesota.

And the worst news is — instead of standing up for the rights of gun owners — Attorney General Lori Swanson has refused to lift a finger to stop these anti-gun assaults!

In fact, Minnesota law already prohibits the State Agricultural Society, which governs the fair, from creating policy that supersedes our carry laws!  It’s no secret that most politicians see the office of Attorney General as a stepping stone to fulfill even larger political ambitions.

I don’t believe Lori Swanson is any exception.

So it’s up to you and me to send a LOUD AND CLEAR message to Lori Swanson that if she doesn’t start standing up for law-abiding Minnesota gun owners, the office of Attorney General may be her last.

But that’s not all.

Besides pressuring Attorney General Lori Swanson, my goal is to launch a grassroots firestorm to strengthen Minnesota laws FORBIDDING the Minnesota State Fair “gun free zone” and stop local governments from putting up even more Criminal Safety Zones.

As a taxpayer funded event, you and I can restore law-abiding Second Amendment supporters’ right to carry at the State Fair.

But it will only happen with your help.

If possible, I’d like to contact up to 100,000 gun owners in Minnesota in the next several weeks using mail, email and hard-hitting radio, newspaper and TV advertising to alert them to this crucial fight.

Of course, none of this is going to be cheap.

But if you and I want to stop the gun-grabbers’ Criminal Safety Zones here in Minnesota, we can’t afford to sit on our hands for another second, Chris.

Instead we must act RIGHT NOW.

So can I count on you to sign your petition to Attorney General Lori Swanson and your State Legislators IMMEDIATELY?

And can I count on you for your most generous contribution of $100 right away?

I know that’s a lot. If it’s too much, please agree to $50, $35 or at least $20.

Whatever you can give will be greatly appreciated.

The thought of losing this fight and having innocent Minnesotans pay the price in blood from the gun-grabbers’ misguided policies literally makes my stomach churn.

So please rush me your most generous contribution of $100, $50, $35 or at least $20 TODAY!

For Freedom,

Chris Dorr
Executive Director

P.S. The gun-grabbers are launching an all-out “Gun Free Zone” assault all across Minnesota. It’s up to you and me to stop them.

So please sign and submit your petition to Attorney General Lori Swanson and your State Legislators DEMANDING they stop the gun-grabbers’ assaults.

And to help pay for and expand this crucial fight, please rush me your most generous contribution of $100, $50, $35 or at least $20 TODAY!