For Immediate Release!

For Immediate Release!

For Immediate Release:Contact:Chris [email protected] Gun Rights1064 Highway 3 South,Northfield, MN 55057952.451.6115Minnesota Gun Rights Calls On All Pro-Gun Stakeholders to Unite Behind Constitutional Carry Law in 2017. Northfield, January...
A Gun Owner Needs Your Help!

A Gun Owner Needs Your Help!

Imagine having to call your wife in the middle of the night to figure out how you can cough up enough money to cover a $25,000 bond to get out of jail – and having to tell her that you’re facing 10 years in the State Penitentiary and a fine of up to $150,000!...


Last week I warned you about a back-door gun-control bill that is trying to be snuck through the Minnesota Legislature by radical anti-gun Senator Ron Latz. As I reported to you at that time, sources indicated to me that Senator Latz was wanting to use this bill as a...