Renew Your Support for the 2nd Amendment in 2017!

Renew Your Support for the 2nd Amendment in 2017!

You know what happened nationally. But the political nuclear bomb the American people set off on November 8 was felt every bit as intensely right here in Minnesota.You and I stood toe-to-toe with BILLIONAIRE anti-gun activist Michael Bloomberg yet again and delivered...
Bloomington City Council votes 6-1 to Pass Gun Store Ban!

Bloomington City Council votes 6-1 to Pass Gun Store Ban!

You win some and you lose some. Two weeks ago, gun owners were kicking in the teeth of some of Minnesota’s most notorious anti-gunners on election night. But moments ago, the city of Bloomington passed an ordinance that would BAN gun stores in many locations....
Going Head to Head With Michael Bloomberg

Going Head to Head With Michael Bloomberg

Late last week I told you the important development that billionaire anti-gun zealot Michael Bloomberg revealed his endorsements for the 2014 elections here in Minnesota. Everybody knows that when Bloomberg gets involved in a race that he plays for keeps. And...