$2 BILLION for the ATF??

$2 BILLION for the ATF??

Joe Biden has just requested $2 billion in funding for the ATF! We say “HELL NO!” Because of their non-stop attacks on our 2A rights, the ONLY acceptable outcome for the ATF is for it to be ABOLISHED! That’s why we’re working closely with Matt Gaetz, lead...


Gun owners in Minnesota aren’t just fighting against Democrats in St Paul who want to strip us of our Second Amendment freedom! REPUBLICAN State Senator Karin Housley (R-Stillwater) has just signed on to a Democrat sponsored bill (S.F. 4312) to FORCE all gun...
They’re Trying to CRUSH Gun Owners!

They’re Trying to CRUSH Gun Owners!

The 2024 session of the Minnesota legislature is 2 weeks in St Paul and it’s an EMERGENCY, ALL HANDS ON DECK situation to save our Second Amendment! Despite passing Universal Background Checks AND Red Flag Gun Confiscations in 2023,Speaker of the House Melissa Hortman...
SESSION BEGINS: Gun Control on the Docket!

SESSION BEGINS: Gun Control on the Docket!

The gavel fell on the start of the 2024 legislative session in St Paul and already the news headlines are talking about “GUN CONTROL” being on the docket.  Bills were already being introduced and we’ll have more info on them in the days to come but...
MEGA Gun Control Bill Sent to Sub-Committee!

MEGA Gun Control Bill Sent to Sub-Committee!

The biggest gun control bill in America is moving in D.C. We emailed you in December about Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Gun Control Mega Bill that was introduced to utterly gut and destroy our Second Amendment. That bill is now MOVING in D.C. and was just referred...
UN Small Arms Treaty -– URGENT!

UN Small Arms Treaty -– URGENT!

Just days ago, the United Nations wrapped up another meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, plotting to disarm the American people through their UN Small Arms Treaty! Their next (and more consequential) meeting is already scheduled. Attending the UN Small Arms ‘working...