Help Us Get Ready!

Thanks to the support of Minnesota Gun Rights’ members and supporters across this state, you and I had a good deal of success this legislative session.

It wasn’t all good news, of course.

The Minnesota House Leadership killed Constitutional Carry and failed to move on Stand-Your-Ground before the summer break.

But in addition to standing strong against new gun control schemes, your action forcing passage of Stand-Your-Ground through the Rules Committee this session ensures all of our i’s are dotted and t’s crossed to force a full vote on the House floor on day one of the next session!

I believe we can get the job done on Stand-Your-Ground — but I’m counting on your help.

That’s why I’m counting on you to click on the link and sign your “PASS STAND-YOUR-GROUND” petition right away.

As you’ll see, this petition insists your State Representative and Senator cosponsor and seek roll-call votes on Stand-Your-Ground during the next session.

My goal is to place a stack of petitions a mile high on legislators’ desks the moment they come back.

But I’m counting on your help to do it!

The good news is, you and I have seen your action make a real difference this year with passage of Stand-Your-Ground through the House Rules Committee.

Not only that, but it forced legislators to prove the bill was robust after the initial Stand-Your-Ground Bill that was introduced appeared to fall short.

As I’ve told you in the past, Stand-Your-Ground must include three rock-solid protections for law-abiding gun owners, including:

1)  Providing they no longer face a so-called “duty to retreat.” In a situation
where your life is on the line, the LAST thing you want to be thinking about
is if you’ve backed up quickly enough from your attacker;

2)  Ensure those who are forced to use firearms in self-defense receive
criminal immunity from anti-gun prosecutors. In other words, no more
anti-gun prosecutors trying to make an example of you — or taking a case
to court to make a political statement;

3)  Providing civil suit immunity protections to ensure the money-grubbing
family of some thug you had to defend yourself against can’t come after
you for everything you have.

When H.F. 238, Minnesota’s Stand-Your-Ground Bill was initially written, civil immunity was nowhere to be found.

It’s only because of your action that the bill was scrutinized sufficiently to make sure that protection was intact.

Now, it’s up to you and me to make sure the State Legislature votes on Stand-Your-Ground when they return next session.

That’s why I’m asking you to sign your petition in support of Stand-Your-Ground IMMEDIATELY!

After all, Minnesota desperately needs Stand-Your-Ground!

Every year — from Duluth to Saint Paul, from Rochester to St. Cloud — law-abiding gun owners are routinely prosecuted for simply defending themselves!

According to Guns and Ammo Magazine there are only 11 states with worse gun laws than Minnesota!

Passage of a Stand-Your-Ground law would go a long way to fixing that.

The good news is, just forcing a vote on the Minnesota Stand-Your-Ground Bill puts you and me in a win/win situation.

Either you and I get enough votes to pass Stand-Your-Ground and take a major step forward for our gun rights in the North Star State, or you and I finally EXPOSE the wolves in sheep’s clothing in Saint Paul.

Just by forcing the roll-call vote, Second Amendment supporters will ensure gun-grabbers face the consequences at the ballot box.

Of course, turning up enough heat on the Minnesota State Legislature to force them to take up Stand-Your-Ground as soon as they get back into session is going to take critical resources.

So in addition to your signed petition, won’t you please agree to send your most generous contribution right away?

Your generous contribution today will help Minnesota Gun Rights ramp up the pressure on the State Legislature over the summer and fall with a massive grassroots program, including:

>>> Generating 100,000 petitions from all over Minnesota insisting the State
Legislature pass Stand-Your-Ground;

>>> Using email, social media and Internet ads to mobilize an additional
30,000 Minnesotans from all over the state;

>>> Working the blogs and granting media interviews to explain exactly why
Stand-Your-Ground would make Minnesota freer and safer;

>>> Paying for hard-hitting radio, newspaper and even TV ads to ensure
politicians are feeling the most heat right before they’re forced to vote.

This is the type of plan it will take to finally make Stand-Your-Ground a reality in Minnesota.

I’m counting on you to help me FORCE the State Legislature on record on Stand-Your-Ground when they return next session.

So it’s critical you please sign the “PASS STAND-YOUR-GROUND” petition to your State Representative and Senators right away.

If I’m able place a stack of these petitions a mile high on legislators’ desks from good folks like you, it will prove to the politicians in Saint Paul that we’re serious about making Stand-Your-Ground a reality.

The more heat we can generate over the summer and fall, the better our chances are that we can seize the momentum the moment legislators get back to St. Paul.

In fact, bringing this pressure to a boiling point right before the 2018 elections may be just the ticket.

That’s why it’s absolutely critical that you sign your “PASS STAND-YOUR-GROUND” petition right away!

And if you can, please agree to your most generous contribution of $250 right away.

I know that’s a lot to ask.

But with needing to run this statewide program for the whole State Legislature, I’m asking all Minnesota Gun Rights’ members and supporters to stretch.

So if $250 is too much, please agree to $100 or at least $25 IMMEDIATELY.

Every dollar will help me push forward for Stand-Your-Ground in Minnesota.

So please sign your PASS STAND-YOUR-GROUND petition and make your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can afford TODAY!

For Freedom,

Benjamin Dorr
Minnesota Gun Rights

P.S. You and I made a lot of progress on Stand-Your-Ground this session.

And with your continued support, I’m hopeful we can make Stand-Your-Ground a reality in Minnesota.

But I’m counting on your help to do that.

That’s why it’s vital you sign your “PASS STAND-YOUR-GROUND” petition right away!

When you’re done, please make your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $25 right away!

To stay up-to-the-minute on the fight for gun rights in Minnesota, please take a moment to go check it out on our Facebook page by clicking the image below!