Betrayed: Legislature Adjourns After Killing Stand-Your-Ground

Early yesterday morning the Special Session of the Minnesota Legislature adjourned.

Thanks to Speaker Daudt, House Majority Leader Peppin and the rest of the leadership team, not a single gun bill made it to the floor of the House for a vote this session

It was crystal clear as I sat in the House gallery and watched Speaker Daudt slam the gavel down and adjourn sine die, that he was giving a great big slap in the face to gun owners.

After all of the hard work you and thousands of other gun owners across Minnesota did to replace the former anti-gun majorities in St Paul, the “pro-gun” majorities gave you virtually NOTHING.

And what small steps a few took were only done after mobilized gun owners dumped an avalanche of calls and emails on them demanding action.

But even though our bills were not passed this year, next year is an election year where gun owners will be able to tighten up the screws on their representatives until they scream.

The good news is, these bills are alive and well for next year as we plan to kick it into overdrive to mobilize more gun owners than ever before.

Please stay tuned as next week we’ll be releasing a 3 part legislative wrap-up on where we’ve come from, where we are right now in our fight for the Second Amendment here in Minnesota and where we’re going from here.

Until then, thank you so much for all of your help in fighting for the Second Amendment this session and have a safe Memorial Day.

For Freedom,

Benjamin Dorr
Minnesota Gun Rights

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