Urgent: Bogus Legal Attack Could Shut Us Down Forever!

Urgent: Bogus Legal Attack Could Shut Us Down Forever!

If I would have told you, ten years ago, that by 2023 the sitting United States President would use the ‘justice system’ to try to stop a political rival, you would have laughed at me. It would have been utterly inconceivable. Nevertheless, that’s exactly what we’ve...
UN Small Arms Treaty -– URGENT!

UN Small Arms Treaty -– URGENT!

Just days ago, the United Nations wrapped up another meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, plotting to disarm the American people through their UN Small Arms Treaty! Their next (and more consequential) meeting is already scheduled. Attending the UN Small Arms ‘working...
Video Report: Shot Four Times, and He Just Walked Away!

Video Report: Shot Four Times, and He Just Walked Away!

Some people have difficult neighbors. But some people have neighbors who drag them into gunfights. In this video, we look at two men in rural Indiana who got involved in a gunfight over a property dispute. We break down what happened, who we think is responsible, and...
Rich Men North of Richmond

Rich Men North of Richmond

We’ve all heard the song. It applies to too damn many of us. And in the video below we’re breaking down a new OUTRAGEOUS gun control bill coming from the Rich Men North of Richmond designed to further break the bank for every-day American gun owners. In light of the...
We need your advice, ASAP!

We need your advice, ASAP!

Congress is on summer break right now, but they will be gaveling back in very soon. And that means we have some tough choices to make over the next few weeks. Let me explain. House Republicans have the smallest majority since 1931. With his majority being just...