Bloomington City Council votes 6-1 to Pass Gun Store Ban!

You win some and you lose some.

Two weeks ago, gun owners were kicking in the teeth of some of Minnesota’s most notorious anti-gunners on election night.

But moments ago, the city of Bloomington passed an ordinance that would BAN gun stores in many locations.

Testifier after testifier came to the stand to address the Bloomington City Council and testify against their draconian proposal. 

Some pro-gun testifiers pointed out that it was a “solution in search of a problem.”

I presented nearly 1,000 petitions from gun owners like you in Bloomington and across the state telling them to vote it down.

And one lady who didn’t even like guns pointed out that criminals don’t follow the rules, and that passing an ordinance like this only makes it harder for good folks to defend themselves.

But it fell on completely deaf ears.

Radical anti-gun mayor Gene Winstead spearheaded their attacks on the Second Amendment, going on the warpath against gun owners!

He interrupted their testimonies, mocked and ridiculed them and told them they couldn’t “drag the Constitution in this!” 

He even threw a temper tantrum and temporarily adjourned the meeting to find his “safe-space” because he didn’t appreciate getting called out.

In the end, the council voted 6-1 for the proposal to ban gun stores, and joins St Paul and Minneapolis in adopting these crime-inducing policies.

But now is not the time for gun owners to back down – in fact, we have to be more vigilant than ever before! 

The actions tonight by the Bloomington city council may embolden other towns and cities to do the same.

If you hear of a ban coming up in your area, please email us immediately with any information you have so we can work hard to defeat them!

One of the key reasons we believe this proposal was able to pass tonight was because we only learned about it in the final stages.

The sooner we can hear about them from folks like you the better prepared we’ll be to fight back against them!

It’s 10:45pm already, so for now we can’t thank you enough for calling and emailing the Bloomington City Council!

We took a jab tonight, but we’re going to shake it off and jump back in.

And we’re dang proud to stand with you and fight back.

For Freedom,

Ben Dorr
Political Director